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Friday, April 2, 2010


Join me APRIL 5th - MAY 28th... to workout & get in shape for MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND & SUMMER!!

Workout 6 days/wk for 53 days and eat clean; with one day off/wk! Pick your workout weapon of choice - home workout videos, gym workouts, outdoor workouts, etc. Make a friend/spouse join ya! Need help picking something to do - just ask me!!

Go now and get a login name on my site: (it's FREE and it's just me, no worries) and I am then your FREE Coach! =) (Need more incentive? Put $20+ tucked away in a coat pocket that you can't tough until you've reached the end of the challenge!)

You will have access to login your workouts daily (called WOWY), with a chance to win daily prizes from Beachbody! ($300-$1000, cameras, etc. I log mine in almost every day since some of my friends have won before! I will be there logging in my daily workouts and I hope to see you there as well.)

You must workout HARD, you must post a note on your fridge/pantry that says - EAT CLEAN! You must do your BEST EFFORT to eliminate sugar, caffeine, alcohol, smoking, junk food, fast food, etc for this time period! (Promise me you'll do it!) Pretend I am in your face as your personal trainer.

My weekly meal plan and workouts will be posted prior to each new week if you'd like to follow along. Adjust accordingly for yourself.

Look smokin' HOT & have bragging rights about which workout made you look THAT good!!! SA-WEET!!!

Be ready to ROCK!

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