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Monday, September 29, 2014

PiYo LIVE 33 - FLOW section

A section of PiYo 33 that I love!

Sunday, September 21, 2014

HIP HOP HUSTLE 16 SHOW - Slave to the Rhythm!

My crew rocking' Hustle 16 this time!

Next month we will be practicing THRILLER again!

Friday, September 19, 2014

Turbo KICK Round Teaching Tip - by Amanda Henderson

If you teach Turbo Kick, or know someone who does, or they got certified but still have yet to teach a class, share this video with them - or watch it for yourself to learn some tips to teaching classes!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

PiYo LIVE 33 - Full Body Fusion

This is such a fun workout! Have you tried PiYo yet?

Get to a live class at the gym or get it for yourself at home: 

Comes with a meal plan and calendar to know exactly what to do and when!

Thursday, September 4, 2014

PiYo LIVE LESSON 32 - FLOW section

One of my favorite sections from PiYo LIVE 32 workout!

Have you ever tried PiYo?

If not, get the home version here: