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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

P90X2 is COMING!!

When?? Fall 2011 - Be on the lookout!

Find out when it comes out EARLY! Be on my list -
get a FREE account here:
So I can let you know - FIRST!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

I'm Pushing Myself & Helping Others

I decided to join a business to work my own hours, being my own boss, and because I love helping other people while pushing myself. I did this 3 years ago this month and I'm so glad I did. I've met a lot of cool people. I've seen lots of great results. I've witnessed lots of people trying to get healthier. This is the goal.

I'm not alone in my business. Actually far from it. I am on a Team called Platinum Presenters. They are brilliant and share everything that they do. They are encouraging, positive, and honest. I have added to this team by surrounding myself with others that want to join in on this great accountability to health. My personal team is starting to grow and to understand more on how to help themselves while helping others. It's exciting to see.

Check out some of the other Platinum Presenters here.... tell me if you want to know more and how YOU can get on this team too!

They are my friends and it's nice to have people that 'get you' and support you! Here's to your health and financial success! ~Amanda