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...It's my life's PASSION to help people be happy and enjoy their life thru fitness.
Make 2010 ExPLoSiVE by ROCKIN IT!!! Learn how to ROCK in all areas as an Instructor, Presenter, and Individual! You'll gain SO much from this training!
What: All-Star Presenter Camp Where: Alexander YMCA - RALEIGH, NC* When: Sat, FEB 27 & 28 Time: 8:00am-6:00pm (Day 1)/8:00am-4:00pm (Day 2) Rates: see me for best rates!
YOU RECEIVE: 9.75 AFAA/1.3 ACE credits, 3 Master Classes, Advanced WOW technique training, fully-illustrated Manual, practical & written testing, and one-on-one individual time!
LIMITED to ONLY 15 SPOTS - 11 taken! Register w/ME by FEB 25th to get the last spots! Email: